hyperimmune egg

by Mike

Has anyone used Hyperimmune Egg? It is sold as immune26 and another brand I found was IgY Recovery Proteins. THere is a video on one of the sites claiming is reduced inflammation. Before I spend any money just wanted to check, I know there is an answer out there.

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Hyperimmune Egg? The Golden Egg? Hmmm! :)
by: Kit Campbell .com

Hi Mike,
My thoughts on this are based on my own experiences of taking two years out, bleeding from the bowel every single day and trying different diets, different techniques and different alternative health options.
I have to say that whatever works for you, is good :)
I cannot say that I have knowledge of this technique, other than what I have googled since reading your post.
My first questions to you would be what are you currently taking medication wise, what are you currently experiencing symptom wise, what operations have your already gone through, how long for and how many times in your life. How old you are, what your home and work life is like and what was happening in your life before your last flare up.
Yes, diet plays a large part of how the cells in your body are affected. But this is secondary.
Your immune system naturally works extremely well for you, in a normal situation. If you are currently suffering, then your body is not in a 'normal' situation.
What I would want to understand with all my above questions, is what is your current situation?
Do more research into taking this proposed solution. As with all inoculations, same as with vaccinations, there are definitely going to be side effects.
If you want to share more about your situation, please contact me at info@kitcampbell.com and if I can help you by sharing my experience, great. If not, no harm done :)
All the best Mike

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