Tired all the time.......

I am always tired from my Crohn's like I've just ran a marathon.

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Tired all the time NEW
by: Kit Campbell


Your other main environment of a cell, there are others, is what you eat and drink. If you consume sugar, you are affecting your cells negatively. This is sugar drinks as well as alcohol. If you eat heavy meats, fast food, packet food and no 'live' food such as leafy greens and fruit etc., then you are not delivering the 'real' necessary vitamins needed to help your cells keep healthy.

If you are taking mesasal, this, along with other medications, is going to dry you out. The sulphur which is in mesasal (a highly toxic substance to the human body) will dehydrate you and also cause damage to the kidneys. Drink plenty of water, as much as you possibly can to counteract this whilst taking this medication.

If you are taking prednisolone or other forms of steroids or anti-inflamatories, the same thing will occur.

When the body 'feels' dehydrated, it slows down the blood pressure to save energy! This in turn will slow down your brain speed and can cause depression, especially if you are still in pain at the time and feel like you have no choice.

You do have choice.
Decide to have choice.
CHOOSE to get up, to get out there and find some more holistic help!

The first port of call I would suggest, if you can't see a way of 'doing' this yourself, go and find a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, who will help you change the pattern of your thinking.
(can't go into all that the brain does here!!!) A Cognitive Behavioral Therapist would also help.

Just remember, as simple as this sounds, obviously it's not easy - but it is entirely possible that you can change your life completely around. You deserve to!

Don't listen to those who still believe themselves to be a victim of a name. Listen to those who were in that place and thankfully are not anymore!

I am not a medical anything, but I had Crohn's for 40 years of my life and now no more. Check out my youtube channel (theirritablebrain) and if I can answer any of your questions, I absolutely will.

All the best to all of you


Tired all the time NEW
by: Kit Campbell


There are going to be a myriad of reasons as to why you 'feel' tired, but to know there is a reason and to keep asking questions until you find the right answer for you, is absolutely imperative.

Don't just accept sentences like 'a side-effect of..'a 'named' disease or medical diagnosis, keep searching for answers and keep asking yourself what you can do to make changes in your life.

If you think with the same mindset, you will get the same results. If you 'behave' in the same way, again, the results will be the same.

If what you have been doing in the past for yourself is working, please ask yourself what am I thinking and doing?

The 50 to 100trillion human cells that make you up, also have ten times that in bacteria, within you and on you. It's a system that works extremely well together, until the environment of that cell is affected by something else.

The two MAIN environments are:
What you think
What you eat and drink

Epigenetics (google that!) Epi = above, and genetics = the behavior of genes

This means, and is now an accepted SCIENTIFIC FACT, that what surrounds the genes, affects the genes. The genes are located in the DNA and this is located in the nucleus of the cell.

As thought is entertained by your mind, the brain gives off chemicals. Which chemicals are determined by which thoughts?

If your mind is pre-programmed to respond to your world in a stressful manner, then your brain will be constantly sending out chemicals that cause destruction of a cell, if held for long periods of time and at high levels. One of these is called cortisol and is the fight or flight hormone.

Simple fact. Cortisol is stated to cause inflammation to a cell. Inflammation leads to ulceration.

Cells can only move in one of two directions. Growth or protection. Any stress and your cells will be in protection mode. This means they don't continue their normal function of growth. Also, when in stress, your immune system slows down and can shut off. But then the drugs do that for you anyway!

If you are constantly in stress mode as a child or teenager, or with a complicated relationship, or job that is stressing you out, cortisol levels don't have a chance to normalize. Ask yourself - what was happening in my life BEFORE I got sentenced with the name 'Crohn's disease', or colitis, or UC, or CFS, or IBD, or IBS ... the list is endless and still growing!

These are just names. Hold on to them and they will stay with you as an identity. Some cannot bear to let go of this identity. Don't be the 'some'!

Stay tuned! Part 2 coming next!!

Fatigue NEW
by: Annette

Hello there,

I note by your comments that you are feeling very tired all the time and can confirm that actually, intense fatigue is a common symptom of crohn's disease. It's also a very frustrating side-effect because it will impact every area of your life.You may feel listless, exhausted and unable to sleep well.

Those people with crohn's disease often suffer with abdominal cramps and diarrhea and any chronic inflammation often lead to weight loss and fatigue. The intestines can become narrowed and as a result nutrients are often not absorbed sufficiently.

The fatigue can be as a result of the medication that you are taking too so it is worth considering asking for medical guidance on this in case it can be a simple case of changing medication and trying something else. Your doctor should be able to advise on this.

There have been some studies that vitamin D can be beneficial to help with fatigue too and although studies continue, it is worth discussing this with your doctor to see whether they feel that it would be beneficial to you.


If you are feeling stressed for any reason, this can affect your energy levels and disrupt any balance with your crohn's disease. As you are probably aware, the condition can be quite aggressive and external stresses and anxieties can act as a trigger to instigate a flare-up.

Ensuring you have a good sleep pattern and that your sleep is relatively undisturbed each night is is vital. It's also important that you ensure that you are not anemic too as this can lead to feelings of fatigue. Eating well is important too because you need to ensure you are getting sufficient nutrients so that you can fuel your body. Once again, the doctor will need to check this for you.

Living with crohn's means striking a successful balance so that you can still have a good life but with your condition under control.
I hope this helps?

Does anyone else have any tips to combat fatigue?

Annette Young

by: Sarah

I suffer chronic anemaia and given up iron pills and went into shock with all three C-sections.
Diagnosed as a baby and avoid all the gluton my RN nurse mom could as a teen I went to an ecologist Dr. Jozef Krop who diagnosed me with a wheat protein allergy. I dispise breads and beer and naturally avoid things. I am always exhausted. I am 49 and want a new diagnosis.
All the best to you.

Thought I was alone
by: Jock

The physical weariness is bad enough,but I find the mental tiredness very aggravating. It would be nice to be able to shake off the 'can't be bothered' attitude!

It seems to be part of the daily routine
by: Ida

Each day is like bits and bites. You never know what you are waking up to. Tired all the time trust me you are not alone! Getting up and dressed somedays when you feel like a Mac truck has just run you over....Not fun... I get even more tired after a workout... so much for that burst of energy that use to come after the work out. By noon each day it seems my energy is being sucked out of me... and my bed calls my name! Sometimes I can' sleep 24 up to 72 hours.

by: Anonymous

I am tired all the time too. I believe my medicine make me tired. I am holding down a job but live to get home to lay on the bed with my heating pad.

Tired all the time
by: Connie S

I too suffer tiredness and joint pain. Is it the crohns or my underactive thyroid? I worked out with a personal trainer before my first flare up in November 2007. I dont want to waste the gas money to go to the gym because I can no longer do what I used to. I recently bought an elliptical and can barely do 10 minutes. I stay out of breath. I just cant sit back and let this disease control my life like i has since November.

tired all the time
by: Anonymous

I feel just as you do , however my doctor says I am his "only" crohns patient that feels this way . What is your doctors response to your tiredness?

Me too.
by: Shawna

I have days where it takes everything I have to get dressed. That is how I describe it to people is that I feel like I ran a 10K. Glad to know I am not alone.

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Chronic fatigue

by Heidi
(Ontario, Canada)

I have found that taking Pentasa 4000 mg/day, keeps the inflammation at a bearable level, but the smallest stresses (eg. Christmas season) will create immediate discomfort and genuine fatigue.
I am allergic to fish and unable to take the fish oils. I take effexor now to keep the stress down as much as possible.
I find the fatigue really interferes with my quality of life and am wondering if anyone can give me any ideas for boosting my vitality without boosting my immune system?
My specialist actually wants to start me on Imuran in the fall as I'm not improving ... can anyone offer information on personal experiences with this?
I was only diagnosed with Crohns last year, but I'm absolutely certain I've been dealing with this for a decade or more.
Thank you for any information you can provide.

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Fatigue NEW
by: Annette


I am sorry to read that you are feeling so fatigued and it is unfortunately likely to be a side effect to your crohn's disease. You mention that you have only been diagnosed in the last year but I would agree that it is possible that you have been suffering with the condition for longer. Sometimes it is only when the condition worsens and the symptoms increase that a true diagnosis is made.

When you feel such fatigue, it will impact every area of your life and whilst you are experiencing this fatigue, it is important that you take the utmost care of yourself. Work with your body and not against it and try to rest as much as possible.

You are right that stress can make your body react and so in this instance you need to do things to manage the stress or at least, your reaction to it.

Firstly, you need to work out what the stress actually is in your life and then will be able to work out any stressors that can be avoided. When you start to write it down, it can really help you to see just what you are dealing with. There may well be some things that you cannot change but there will be others that you can learn to control and prevent from affecting you going forward.

Other ways to cope and to stop the stress from impacting you is to increase your resistance to it and to avoid reacting in the same way. A safe and gentle way of managing stress is to learn relaxation techniques and in particular, meditation. You can buy meditation CD's but, you may also find a class nearby and this would be hugely beneficial to you. Once you learn how to manage the stress with the relaxation techniques, you will be able to incorporate them quickly and easily. You can also learn yoga and take advantage of the relaxation techniques included in each session.

There are many different medications available and what works for one will not work for everyone, so treatment is very much on an individual basis. Your specialist will be able to prescribe the right treatment for you and will be able to tweak the prescription if necessary.

I hope this is of help?

Good luck,

Annette Young

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what to take if your fatigue, and you have chrons disease

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Fatigue NEW
by: Annette


Fatigue is so common if you have crohn's disease, it is probably one of the more common symptoms and can leave you feeling that you just cannot cope with day to day life.

If you are awaiting diagnosis, have just been diagnosed or if you are trying out medication that does not seem to be doing the trick, fatigue might be a real issue right now.

Many people also report that they have trouble sleeping well or getting to sleep at all and this is part of the battle as you are fighting a condition that can make you feel drained constantly as well as all of the other side-effects such as: pain, depression and nausea.

The good news is that once your disease is under control, you will be able to feel more human again and to get a grip on your life. You should also start to feel less fatigued.

The important things to consider when you have crohn's disease is that you must always look after yourself and to avoid food and drink that could trigger off a flare-up. Taking medication every day is vital but so is taking a holistic approach to it and avoiding those things that could upset the balance.

As difficult as it might seem, having regular exercise each day -even if you feel fatigued can actually help -in moderation of course.

If you have symptoms such as diarrhea, you should also top up your nutrient levels and drink plenty of water as this will help.

It's important to ascertain how you feel on any given day and to plan your day around this. It's not always possible but it will help.

Check out this link for additional information:http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/crohns-disease/AN01434

Do let us know how you get on.

Good luck.

fighting the blahs
by: Tod F

i use a sublingual B12 3000 mcgs and it does wonders for my energy

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So tired of feeling sick!

by CC
(Ontario, Canada)

Hello all,
I am 32 year old woman from Ontario. I became sick when I was 15, but wasnt diagnosed until 6 months later when I was 16 years old and bedridden!
I have been lucky, for the last 17 years I have had a 10 year remission which ended a year ago. I have always been on medication, and when I was diagnosed I was put on prednisone and mesasol. During my remission and through my 3 pregnancies I was still on mesasol for maintenance. Since I was well for so long my "brilliant" GI suggested I wean myself of the mesasol. What a mistake! I have been sick ever since. I had a colonoscopy in February followed by my Dr instructing me to go on Pentasa. 12 pills per day, 3 pills in 4 increments. My pharmacist was concerned the dosage was too high. In the beginning I started to feel better, but never was completely without pain/diarrhea. I have been trying to see my GI but he is booked up until December. Somedays are so severe for me, with pain, diarrhea and bleeding that I cant handle it so I take immodium and tylenol to try and make it through the day! I usually need to sleep with a heating pad and have even had 'accidents' on really bad days!
Obviously the Pentasa isnt working for me, and my family Dr wont even prescribe me steriods (even though I begged her), but she is pushing the GI to see me on an emerg basis.
What would you do? Should I just go to the local hospital? I know whats wrong with me, I just cant get anyone to help me!!

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Just plain sick of it
by: Anonymous

I agree, crohn's is a BITCH. I was diagnosed in 1981 while in college. I have had 3 resections. I am currently on medication for depression and high blood pressure. We had to drop our health insurance,.as we are self employed and out rate went to 1,800 a month. Our oncome has really takem a hit in the economic downturn. All I want to do is lay in bed. I habe pain and D all the time, especially after I eat. I try to remain optemistic but I am really starting to lose hope.

Camp Out In The ER
by: Anonymous

What you are describing sounds terrible. Crohn's is a real bitch, but it can be managed. I strongly suggest you go to the Emergency Room of your local hospital and the doctor on call should be able to help you. I'm surprised your GP woul;dn't prescribe you steroids, even a short course. I woul;d think the ER doctor would maybe give them to you, jusy to chill things out for a bit. I took Pentasa many times, but it didn't ever help. I now take Humira, a self-injection drug I give myself once every two weeks. It is to keep me in remission. I hope you get some help soon.. Having to wait months to see a GI is criminal. Much luck to you..

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tired all the time

by Neale
(Cape Town South Africa)

I am 61 years old . I have had crohns for about 18 years , I have had two ops . I am however , from what I have read one of the lucky ones . I have very little pain or bleeding . I am however tired all the time . In the morning I am ok for the first two hours , but there after I dont last longer than an hour and then I have to rest or sleep for an hour and so it goes on throught out the day , every day . If I do any physical or indeed mental work during my good moments I dont last more that a half hour . My doctor says he does not think my symptoms are crohns related , there must be something else wrong with me . I have had all other medical possibities checked out and I am told everything else is fine . Is anyone having similar symptons ? . I really want to get to the bottom of my problems as life is so frustrating when one can not plan anything and /or do anything through out the day . If these are indeed crohns problems then my doctor must try and find some solutions and I must keep bugging him , but if I am the "the only one , as he says , then i must try and find some other answers .

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Constant fatigue NEW
by: Annette

Hello there,

From reading all of your comments on fatigue, I know just how much a problem it is for everyone and I really sympathize with you all.

Fatigue is especially common in the early stages pre-diagnosis or just afterwards when doctors are trying to find you the right medication and you are still having to mentally digest that you have an incurable disease. It's scary plus your life has to change substantially. The good news is that things can improve and many people with this disease go on to live normal lives.

Some medications can actually cause feelings of overwhelming tiredness so please do mention this to you doctor. For some people, they are just not able to sleep well and this can add to the intense feelings of tiredness too. Many people report mental and physical fatigue and this may mean that you feel very overwhelmed and probably too tired to make an effort.

Crohn's can affect the number of nutrients absorbed and so it is possible that you are not gaining the benefits from your food and it is worth taking additional vitamins and minerals to see if this helps with your energy levels.

Vitamin D for example is currently being trialed for help with fatigue and you can read all about it here: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/05/20/vitamin-d-supplements-could-help-crohns-patients-fight-fatigue-improve-quality/

If you can take some exercise each day, this will actually boost your energy levels going forward but understandably, you may not feel like doing so at the time.

Planning your day can be really useful as it can reduce the stress levels of trying to fit everything in when you are so tired. There can be physical causes such as: If you have any lesions resulting in some blood loss, you will probably be anemic and it is worth discussing this with your doctor.

Luckily, crohn's in its most aggressive state can come and go and you can suddenly find your levels of energy improving while the condition seems to be in remission. Just do all that you can to work with the condition avoiding any known triggers and to keep taking your medication. Rest when needed and look after your body.

I hope this helps.

Has anyone tried any of these things?
by: Anonymous


I googled Crohns and fatigue to see if this is a symptom related to Crohns and could be why a relative of mine is so tired. That's what brought me to your site. I wonder if any of you have seen these comments from a website called earthclinic. (Nothing for sell but people write in from all over the world with tips that helped them.) I wanted to pass these suggestions on to you in case you haven't seen any of them.


12/13/2009: Macky from New Iberia, La writes: "I had Crohn's Disease 20 years and could not get well the last flare up.I was going to the Dr twice a day to get predisone in my veins and it was not working. This flare up lasted about 4 months. I learned about Barley Grass(capsules)so I took it and the bleeding stopped soon after. I continued to take barley grass and vitamins and later learned about Slippery Elm(herb) also.These herbs and vitamins healed me of this horrible flare up and I have not had another flare up since then. That was 12 years ago. Before this I flared up every year. I stopped drinking milk and caffeine (I drink soy milk). I am sharing this so people suffering with Crohns can read about these herbs. I give God the glory for this. I had prayed so earnestly for help with this horrible disease."
08/16/2009: Sheila B. from Toronto, On writes: "Crohn's - DMSO gel & Manuka Honey

Hi: Try applying DMSO gel on your lower tummy (colon area) 2x a day. It helps to rid of inflammation, and restore healthier bowels. It helps with reduction of pain after 1 hour. Manuka honey also helps heal wounds in the bowels and definitely helped me with reducing acute pain. I take 1/2 tspn on empty stomach 2x a day.

Lastly, do not over look proper food combining. It is very important."
11/04/2009: Billa from Vancouver, Bc, Canada writes: "Crohns & Colitis
I have been sick with Colitis for the past six years, have tried every remedy recommended by Naturopath, Doctors, Specialists and Blood Analysts. I finally found a supplement that has managed my colitis amazingly. The product is a hydrolyzed white fish and miraculously calms down the inflammation and you will have regular bowel movements within 3 weeks - good luck!! Unfortunately you can only get this supplement from a Naturopath - its very inexpensive and effective. In Canada the product is $68 but I imagine in the states its much cheaper."

tired all the time
by: Anonymous

i have been diagnosed with crohn's disease just recently. but, like many ,i have had the symptoms for 16 years and i have been to every doctor imaginable. i finally found one who knew what he was doing. anyway, i am so tired all of the time also. i am 35 and have 3 kids. i thought that i had a heart condition that was why i was so tired. i don't want to eat anything and the smallest tasks make me feel like i am runnina a marathon. my kids think that i am boring, or lazy or both. it is hard for people to understand or care why you are always sick and i even had my sister-in-law say you are always sick. i was hoping that anyone had anything that worked for them?

by: Anonymous

Had Hyperparathyroid and it kept me tired all the time. After surgery feel much better. Check PTH, Calcium, and Vit. d

by: Anonymous

I have the same symptons as well as crohn's disease and it gets really bad when I have flare ups. I could sleep all day.

Tired of Being Tired
by: Laura

I also have Crohns. I am new to this. I am on Humra every 14 days one injections 9mg of endocort and Flagall(sp). I am TIRED ALL THE TIME. I am 35 with 3 children. Some days I come home from work and go straight to bed. My bloodwork is fine I am told. I don't have bad bouts of diareha. I can keep my crohns under control with the drugs I am on. I rarely feel hungry but I do try and make myself eat. I take a flinstones vitamin 2xs a day because other vitamins have too much iron and I vomit.
If anyone has a cure to the tired symptons please telll me.

crohns excludes chronic fatigue
by: jj

The definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is basically if you have these symptoms and it is not Crohn's or about 50 other diseases, then the only explaination is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The fatigue and brain fog are common symptoms of crohns and other autoimmune symptoms. Do make sure you take supplements and get bloods done regularly but if you are still tired - its the crohns.

tired all the time
by: Anonymous

I also have crohns disease and tired all the time.this is new to me.I've had crohns for 11 years now but very tired. my body is just exhausted and I haven't done anything.

Chronic fatigue and Crohn's
by: Anonymous

I am 56 and have had Crohn's disease for 32 years. Like you, I seem to be tired all the time and require several naps during the day. I asked my doctor about it, thinking something else might be wrong; and he told me it was the IBD/Crohn's. However, one of the problems with Crohn's is a vitamin deficiency because of diarrhea. When one has diarrhea, the body doesn't have time to assimilate the vitamins and nutrients before the food is passed on through the body. Anemia, low potassium, and the lack of other nutrients can cause fatigue. My doctor insists on doing a complete blood profile on me every 6 months, partly because of that and also because I'm on sulfasalazine every day.

by: Anonymous

I am 60 years old and have had Crohns symptoms for 20 years, but only was diagnosed about 4-5 years ago. I am always tired, also. Have you tried eating more often, smaller quantities? I am most uncomfortable when stressed, or when I eat too much. I am trying to eat a banana or toast and a little juice, not skip a meal, and eat small amounts through the day. I also would love a nap every couple of hours.

For cape town
by: Anonymous

I believe you have a Vitamin Defenciy

Tried all the time
by: JoAnne

I have crohn's and I have chronic fatigue and what you are descriping is chronic fatigue. I get tried very easy, the weather changes it effects me. The heat really makes me tried fast. Look up on chronic fatigue and see if that is how you feel. Hope this helps. JoAnne

by: Anonymous

chronic fatigue syndrom, or aniema, or something else have you mention to dr to test you for these

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6MP and fatigue

has 6MP made anyone sick?

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6mp NEW
by: Annette


Sorry to hear that you are having a reaction to 6mp. It can be difficult following diagnosis to find the perfect treatment and sadly it is a case of trial and error. I hope that they have tried you on an alternative treatment and that now things are more settled.

It's worth understanding that all medicines have side-effects, some more aggressive than others. It does seem that 6mp does cause sickness in some people and it can occur quite quickly too. It can cause liver problems and so, it is far better for you to be on an alternative treatment.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, although the condition cannot be cured, it can be managed and once you find a treatment that works, you cans start to get your life back on track and this will make you feel so much better.

I recommend people keep a journal for their condition so that they can pin point certain triggers which could be food, drink or medication.

Side effects to 6mp include: include an increased vulnerability to infections, inflammation of the liver and the pancreas so if you are feeling unwell through taking this medicine it is certainly wise to come off of it.

Other sufferers find that 6mp is really useful in combating their symptoms so it is very much on an individual case.

There is more information here; http://www.medicinenet.com/crohns_disease/page13.htm

I wish you the best of luck with future treatments. Please do let us know how you are getting on.

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Feeling Tired All The Time

by kim
(millington, tn. usa)

Lately I feel tired all the time. I was diagnosed about a year ago with Crohns of the ileum. I have pills for everything but some days those pills aren't any help. Some days if I eat certain foods I have no problems, other days those same foods can really send me into the bathroom all day. I have realized though there are certain foods I definitely can't have like vinegar and lettuce or alot of milk at once. I have read so much till I'm blue in the face! Everyone out there thinks they have all the answers it seems. I'm tired today of the whole battle!! I really need a friend who understands. I feel very alone.

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feeling tired all the time NEW
by: Annette Young


Sorry to read that you are feeling so tired with Crohn's. It has that effect on so many people unfortunately and it's a frustrating and depressing side-effect. Crohn's is such an isolating disease and it can make you feel very alone but believe me, you are not. That's why forum's like this are so very important because they put you in touch with others who have suffered too.

You are right in that food can bring on an attack. It may be that you are eating things that have an adverse effect on your system. It's only by eliminating much of the food that you eat and sticking to a very basic diet initially that you can determine any food triggers. Certainly dairy products and spicy foods should be eliminated straight away. Smoking and drinking alcohol should also be stopped - if you do indulge as this can cause a flare-up too.

When you are in pain and fatigue is overwhelming, the last thing you will feel like doing is exercising but actually, a little bit of exercise is really good. Try yoga as it helps to boost healing and promotes improved digestion and bowel movements. But take it slowly.

I know it's hard to stay positive when you have such a horrible time of it. I attach a link with some useful information on it and hope that it helps.


It's important to listen to your body. When you feel exhausted, do try and rest and maybe indulge in a little bit of meditation. If you have never tried it, it's wonderful for getting rid of all of the tensions within the body and if you are in a lot of pain, believe me, there will be a lot of tension held within your muscles. This might really help. Check out www.youtube.com for guided meditations for free.

Let's put it this way, it's not a cure but it can make you feel a bit more human and able to cope.

I wish you all the best.


B-12 if ileum is gone
by: john


I am a very young 50 years old. I have had Crohn's since 13. I believe that you should be shooting B-12 twice a month is your Ileum is gone. I had three resections 1973, 1988, 2005 with 10 feet of small intestine gone. Three years ago I went holistic, no doctor. Read "Patient Heal Thyself". My silver bullet is probiotics (Primal Defense and Kifer). Mentally you need to learn to release stress. Maybe meditation and or yoga. Patient Heal Thyself will teach you to get of sugar (simple sugar) and eat properly. We carry three pounds of good bacteria, which is adversely altered by Crohn's. I cultivate my own Kefir, it is very easy. I am not suggesting that you stop seeing your doctor, but I feel better than I have ever since I was 13 years old. I learn about all of this from the internet and Patient Heal Thyself. Fell free to contact me is you wish at john_mb_florida@hotmail.com.

Good Luck and God Bless.

get out from tiredness!
by: Anonymous

Dear Kim,
Iam Also chrons sufferer in India.Take plenty of drinks example coconut water,fruit juices without sugar.This will give you more energy than the food that you take.
Good luck!

feeling tired
by: cimiziagirl


I agree with michelle. I'm 31 years old and was diagnoised when i was 21. I've been on every treatment. i've had two colon resections. it's hard but those bad days make me appreciate my good days a whole lot more. Somedays i'm full of energy and at other times i can sleep for days straight. crohn's can and will run your life if you let it. reaching out for support is good. Educating your self helps their are some good cookbooks out for crohn's. over time you learn how to work with the disease instead of against it. what works for some people might not work for you. when it comes to food or treatment. you need to find what works for you. if you every wanna chat you can email me citygirl259@aol.com
best of luck

Hang in there:)
by: Michelle


Crohn's is a disease that takes over your life and doesn't seem to let go. I ahve had crohn's 4 sixteen years. Some days are good but food is not our friend. I understand it is so frustrating, one day you eat something and nothing happens the next day u eat the same thing and you are confined to the bathroom all day. Have you been checked for anemia. Unfortunately due to the fact that this disease is something people don't see the effects of until you've dropped 20-30 lbs or are in hospital there are not a lot of people you can talk to, even those that you consider friends.

Generally, the first year after diagnosis is the worst as they will give you every med that they can think of until they find the ones that work for you. Just do what you are doing, keep reading learn enough about this disease that you know more than they do.

Have you joined a local CCFA (Chrons' and Colitis Foundation of America) support group, they also offer great information on the latest research and other news on Crohn's. I have included their email address http://www.ccfa.org. If you ever need to talk you can contact me at michelle-durham@hotmail.com or you can add me on facebook Michelle Durham - I live in canada.

Take Care Hon and Keep your head up. I wish you all the best. I can't say that it gets better just more tolerable. I hope I helped.


get better soon
by: Anonymous

My heart goes out 2u, notting as bad. Im 21 living in ireland ive had crohns 10 yrs before i got diagnosed. Its very hard but the last 5 years since id my son 5 yrs ago, ive been better than i ever was before. Theres days dont get me wrong when i cant get off the toilet & i feel like givn up. But 2 be honest every1 is different. Its hard when your havn a flare up, its seems 2 go on forever. If u need 2 talk im ere i understand xx suzzanne2138@yahoo.ie or u can add me on facebook. Get well wish'es, all my love xxxx suzanne

dear tired
by: Anonymous


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crohns and fatigue

by rachael

i have been diagnosed with crohns about a year ago,since then i have had surgery, part of my bowl and appendixe out!i am currently on no medication,but recently been getting symptoms,diorhea,joint pain, and fatigue! i can handle up to a point! the diorhea etc! but the fatigue is killing me as i am self employed and work really hard,can anyone suggest anything to help my energy levels back up? i am taking multivitamins and omega oils!

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by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed January 16th 2013 with Crohns but most likely had the disease for many decades. I had minor symptoms and a low B12 bLood work. I was found to have a bowel obstruction during a routine colonoscopy. I had a bowel resection and had my ileocecal value and 2.5 ft of my colon removed. Taking care of what symptoms you have some control over has been my approach. I have been disappointed with my medical care and feel I have been forced to read far more than should be necessary. Here IS WHAT HAS WORKED FOR ME. I TAKE MONTHLY B12 SUPPLEMENTS WHICH CARES FOR MY ANXIETY, FOCUS AND FATIGUE(if your disease is flaring and if you have relentless diarrhea you will also have fatigue). I found out I had a bacterial overgrowth in my colon due to a fissure that wouldn't heal and the loss of my "value" which prevents bacteria from backing up into my small intestine. I was treated for the infection and in 24 hours of taking the medication, I felt relief.I was refused help form my GI physician since he feared C-DIF problems. I just went to another DOC. So, treat what you can - B12 shots and infection - care for yourself with supplements - pro-biotics work and ask for help from a health professional. If you don't like what you hear, get another opinion.

crohn's and fatigue NEW
by: Annette Young

Hi there,

I know it's tough when you feel so exhausted but the best way of dealing with it is to rest when you can and only to do the essentials. It's hard when you are working and reliant on your income I know as i am self-employed myself.

I find the way to cope is to use relaxation and meditation to help me let go of everyday stresses and to sleep deeply. I need it. In fact I could sleep for England sometimes, but it's restorative and healing. There is nothing as bad as not being able to sleep when you feel exhausted.

I sometimes use lavender essential oil on my pillow at night. Just a few drops or go to bed with some relaxation music on low. Lately I have been listening to the sound of rainfall on a youtube.com video and I find it so relaxing that I am out for the count.

Why are you not on any medication now? Usually the doctors want you to stay on the meds continuously so that your symptoms are under control. I know it's a pain but it's better than having aggressive flare-ups.

Some people are convinced that the following help:

Fish oils

I have also heard that aloe vera is really useful but also to be careful as too much can give you bouts of diarrhea. Try taking a vitamin D supplement too as apparently there are tests currently which seem to suggest that vitamin D may be lower in Crohn's sufferers.

I wish you all the best and hope you manage to improve your energy levels.


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muscle ache and fatique

by Claire

Hi, any advise on genralized muscle ache and fatique.
I was diagnosed in 2007 and only have suffered from two flare ups. Not taking any medication at the moment, but did have a reaction to Ascol about a year ago. Gastric sysmtoms are fairly controlled with weekly accupunture session, would recommend this to others.

I work full-time as a nurse, which at times is stressful, not one to take time off, but feel as i am struggling at the moment. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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muscle ache and fatigue NEW
by: Annette Young

Hi Claire,

Sorry to read about your symptoms. Your job alone must be pretty exhausting so I can imagine it's tough sometimes.

Muscle and joint aches and pains are quite common in Crohn's and I'm sure as a nurse, you are au fait with all of the different medications but I do know that some medications are the cause of these pains, so if you are on meds currently, you may wish to speak to your doctor so that they can reassess pain relief.

Fatigue is another thing altogether of course. I can really sympathise because it's hard to keep going at work when you feel so drained. Personally, I use yoga and meditation to help me when I feel so tired. Yoga - because it helps my body to feel better and I know it works on the key areas of my body- for me thyroid and digestive tract. Meditation because i use it to help promote inner healing and for relaxation and well-being.

It's important to develop a good sleep pattern - going to bed at the same time each night is useful and to be able to switch off from any general anxieties. If you have any stressors, it's good to deal with them as soon as you can as these can prevent you from sleeping well. Don't watch TV in the bedroom and avoid any stimulants.

Stress can make everything so much worse. At one time stress was believed to be the cause of Crohn's although this has now been disproved, it certainly works as a trigger though.

I attach the following link which may be useful.


and this on meditation:


I hope this helps.


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a cure for extreme fatigue other than taking caffeine suppliments

by Carol Zurawski
(Wilkes Barre Pa.)

How do people with crohn's stay awake? My 26 year old son was recently in the er for overdooing caffiene suppliments to stay awake at work. He went knumb arms and legs and chest, bp was up and vision was off, so much so he could not drive, which he does for a living.
Can anybody suggest an answer for the fatigue other than caffiene crap please>>>>>>.

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extreme fatigue NEW
by: Annette Young

Hi there,

Sorry to hear about chrohn's and it's dreaded symptoms. Fatigue is dreadful and it has a far-reaching effect on the individual. The best way I know of dealing with fatigue is to rest when these feelings are present. It's a case of learning to listen to your body. If you feel exhausted, your body needs to rest. Obviously, we can't all just stop what we are doing even though it is tempting but we can avoid doing the extras - those unnecessary tasks.

It's important to take the holistic approach. Eating a simple diet - soups, stews etc. Healthy foods that are easy to digest. Having the right nutrition is essential. Often vitamin D is lower in crohn's sufferers than in those without, and there are current tests to determine if this is key. If there is any bleeding from the bowels then anemia could be a problem too and iron tablets essential. Anemia can cause feelings of tiredness so check this.

When tired, it can be difficult to sleep, relaxation techniques can help with sleep though and to also recharge the batteries. Relaxation techniques can be used to ease tension within the muscles including the abdominal s, to promote inner healing and to aid restful sleep.

Hypnotherapy is supposed to be good to help with an erratic sleep pattern or to promote relaxation too but other people suggest doing things that promote relaxation - professional massage for example or even sitting on the beach watching the sun set. Anything that helps to ease off the day to day stresses.

Here's a link that may be useful:

I hope all this helps in some way.

Best of luck,


trouble staying awake. NEW
by: Tod

I am a 53 year old man who has had CD for 51 years. Though the medications are ever changing, the one constant is diet and supplements. I have a very lean, protein rich(alot of fish, egg whites, chicken etc.) with absolutely no red meat!
My body uses these foods as fuel. If my diet was high in carbs, my already comprimized energy from the CD would be compromized even more with extra work which would render me exhausted.
Exercise is also vital as it is used as a jumpstart to your body. This doesn't mean being a gym rat neccesarily, but get in at least 1/2 hr 4 times a week of some type of cardio in some form.
supplements including Ester C(easy to digest) and a good one a day multi also help.
I am not saying join the Priesthood, but there are ways to cope and make the life of someone with CD just as rich as anyone else's.
I am living proof!

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Partner has Crohns, tired all the time

Hi all, I am 25 from Australia, my 22 year old partner has Crohns and was diagnosed in 2008, not long after I met her. I am concerned about her in a number of ways but recently she has been going pretty well, She is on 6mp and iron tablets as she has/had anemia. I am wondering whether anyone else has had experiences of low energy and intimacy levels dropping off with your partner to basically nothing as far as sex goes. We still hug, cuddle and all that. I lover her, just want to know any peoples thoughts or advice on it.

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Hope this helps
by: Anonymous

I have Crohns and have had a similar problem with having the energy for intimacy. Crohns can cause discomfort during intimacy as well as extreme fatigue. When my Crohns is doing better I start to get my libido back. I also know that when I am depressed about my disease my libido is very low. I would encourage your wife to talk to her doctor about the effectiveness of her treatment as well as possible depression. Sometimes it can be as simple as feeling gross from the disease and the drug side effects. Help her feel good about herself and make sure she is getting the mental as well as physical treatment for her disease.

by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 2000 seems like I've been on every drug out there have had 3 surgeries and am going thru a flare up right now.I have been married for 5yrs together for 9yrs and while my husband doesnt really under CD I try as best I can to give him information. I take iron pills because I am anemic also but TIRED ALL THE TIME is an understatement. When your dealing with CD and trying to keep your routine normal so you can feel normal by they time nightfall comes you feel like taking a long hot bath because (mind you active crohns) your going to the bathroom constantly and once you began whining down for the night intimacy isnt on your mind, although you have your partner in the same bed that is horny and putting his hand on your hip and just doesnt understand. An then like with me I'm in so much pain all day long coming and going that if I do get enough strength to try and satisfy my husband I'm in pain the entire time so I would much rather push that hand away than hurt again. Sorry I hope that help I kinda vented a little bit.

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fatigue from crohns

Is it normal to experience fatigue everyday, even without doing any major movements other than walking?

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by: dave

ive been getting vitamin b12 shots for tirednesss which helps,just recently started taking super slim of a morning to help with extra fiber to help bulk up and stop the runs which does help.anyway one of the side affects of taking this is i suddenly found i have a lot more energy no idea why but it does seem to work.dont know if anyone else has tryied this would love to know.could be worth a try if you do let me know how it goes id be interested cheers dave PS have had crohns for 36 years tried drugs once made me feel worse than ever and have just been to stubbern to try any more sterroids etc

fatigue from crohns NEW
by: Lydia D.

It is, if the disease is still flaring, you are not receiving enough nutrition due to malabsorption or poor diet, you are dehydrated, your meds have these side-effects, etc. However, if you are in remission, you should be on the way to feeling like your old self - except, of course, if you are smoking or drinking copious quantities of alcohol or similar.

The tiredness can come from dehydration, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, other nutritional deficiencies due to poor diet/not eating due to pain. The disease can cause malabsorption.

I suggest that you keep a food/mood/symptom/medication diary and request a referral to a nutritionist who has experience with Crohn's patients. You must ensure that your daily calorie intake is 2000 (woman) or 2500 (man). If you have severe diarrhoea, then you should try and eat continuously - an astronaut drink like Boost, Ensure, Fresubin, Fortisip should help here. A women should eat at least 45 g protein a day.

An ideal strategy would be to go to your doctor and discuss this with him and ask him/her to do blood tests. You might find that you are anaemic - iron supplement or that something else is up.

There are, however, so many variables that you are the only one that has the full picture. For example, you shouldn't be drinking colas and sodas, you shouldn't be eating pure sugar sources like sweets, honey, syrups, etc.

You might find that the tiredness improves somewhat if you take a vitamin B-complex and vitamin C. These are the water-soluble vitamins and there is little risk of overdosing on them. The upper limit is determined by vitamin B6 and is set at 50 mg in Australia and 100 mg in the USA. If your disease is in the end section of the small intestine (terminal ileum), then you will need to take sublingual B12 or have injections.

I suggest that you do your own nutritional research. Here are some references to help you:

Page 86 onwards

Medication side-effects and interactions:
www.drugs.com www.rxlist.com

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Dealing with physical and mental fatigue

by Mick

I am just feeling so tired. I am so tired of fighting the Crohn's and not enjoying or being able to even eat food. Any suggestions?

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tired with crohns disease

by Zea

what can i take do stop me from being tired constantly no mater what i eat or how long i sleep i just cant get into feeling energetic

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fighting fatigue

by Christine
(Blue Springs, MO)

what is the best way to fight fatigue. I am 42, I was diagnosed with Crohn's about 5 years ago - I have a very high tolerance for pain and ignored the pain and symptoms for years and years. I had surgery and was better for 3 years, but the fatigue is about to do me in. my husband says you need to work out. are you kidding me - some days i can barely get out of bed and go to work and you want me to work out! anyone have suggestions how to boost energy level - the coffee is not cutting it. i take medication to help me go to sleep. i wake up before the alarm goes off, but mid-day i wish i was in bed. any ideas?

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Very sick chrons fibromolgia arthitits disc diease fatigue bloating

by Felicia
(Scottsville it)

I feel sick every day so much pain fibrinromitis scolosos disc diease
Weight gain weight loss severley deprest I am on 90 mgs of
Methadone for pain 8 mgs of Xanax 1200mgs of soma
I have no social life Im restricted at home I have major
Hot flashes that last for a long time it hurts to drive or have to
Run errands I have bouts of diarrah costapation I have one
Pasion to ride my horse but it hurts to bad I use to have
A career and friends I feel useless

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Fatigue and crohns

by Laurie

I recently had a bowel resection to remove affected tissue for Crohn's disease. It has been 6 weeks. I first thought my fatigue was due to the surgery but now am realizing there may be more to it. My energy seems okay when I am moving or participating in an activity; however, when I sit down I can literally fall fast asleep for hours. I usually sleep through the night but sometimes, like last night, I woke up at 3:00 am and then 4:00 am to move my bowels. That activity makes me up for the day. Is there anything that can be done to improve my enery levels. I take a daily vitamin. Has anyone taken an anti-inflammatory to improve fatigue levels?

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fatigue and crohns NEW
by: Annette Young

Hello there,

Thanks for writing in. I think after any type of surgery, it's so difficult to regain your energy levels. Your body may still be in shock from the surgery and it's important to rest as much as possible. Don't give yourself too hard a time of it or expect miracles. I am sure in time, your energy levels will return.

Yes crohn's can be responsible for feelings of intense fatigue and if you feel stressed or anxious, these symptoms will increase.The trick is to relax your body as much as possible and give yourself time to heal mentally and physically.

But there can be much more to fatigue than this. A deficiency in vitamins and minerals to start with. It might be wise to take some extra B vitamins and to ensure that there is no blood in the stools when you go, because this can lead to anemia and of course, fatigue.

Trying to stay positive and determined when you feel so exhausted is difficult but if you can, try to focus on some positives in your life and to give yourself something to look forward to. It's amazing how this can boost your recovery rate and to my mind, links body and mind beautifully.

I try to visualize a beautiful scene whenever I feel bad. Most commonly a time when I was experiencing the joys of snorkeling for the first time and of feeling completely free. I conjure up the sights, the smells, the noises and the peaceful feelings I had at that moment. If you can do something similar this will help you to relax and to promote healing too.

I hope this helps.


Sharing my Journey of Crohn's NEW
by: Kit Campbel

After going in and out of doctors surgeries with stomach problems at 3 months old, to having my first really serious bleeding attack at 12 years of age, followed by 28 years of medications, bowel removal operations, bowel re-sections and the constant threat of a colostomy bag or colon cancer, I can state today that I no longer have Crohn's and haven't since early June 2000.

I am now working with an IBD and mucosal specialist at the University of Tasmania, in order to provide an alternative way of looking at this and other gastrointestinal diseases.

For the past 13 years, I have been self-studying neuro biology, neuro plasticity and cell biology, in order to explain to others what the changes were that occurred with me.

During this time, I have written many emails to other sufferers, sharing my thoughts and understandings about this debilitating disease and have had some great results.

Last year, I decided that I wanted to share more to more people and wrote a book, which I finally finished two months ago and have only presently got it up on Amazon as an ebook. With this, I hope to enlighten more people who suffer, from anything, how much the mind has an effect on the body.

Before you dismiss me and what I want to share, check out my youtube channel, which is where I share most of what's in my book anyway. https://www.youtube.com/user/theirritablebrain

This is not about selling. This is about a 54 year old, who suffered for 40 years, her whole childhood and beyond, from Crohn's and then in 2000, in the middle of an acute bleeding attack, literally dropped it and in only 7 days, avoiding the booked surgery and who wants to help others.

I no longer own that name anymore. A Crohn's disease sufferer.

I am still answering emails to anyone who writes to me personally at info@kitcampbell.com

I wish you all the best in your individual journeys. www.kitcampbell.com

Fatigue NEW
by: Brenda

Hi Laurie!! Last week was my 2 year post op mark. It takes a while for your body to get going. I still am tired all of the time. I could seriously sleep forever! Are you on prednisone because that screws your body up in so many ways too. I'm currently on Humira and am not sure if its working. I'm also on antibiotics for 9 months because of a positive TB test. I was taking probiotics and vitamins but stopped because my AST and ALT levels were high. So I'm trying not to take so much. Not sayin that the vtamins are changing my liver levels, but who knows. Just pace yourself and when you need a break, take one. Its hard for people to understand how you feel, especially if you look healthy. Before my surgery, when I look back at pictures, I cannot believe how sick I looked. But now I've put some weight on and look pretty healthy, but I don't feel healthy! Its different every day and noone understands. So hang in there. If you're only 6 weeks post op, you need to take things easy!

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Are you Tired? Sick and Tired of Being 'Sick'?

by Kit Campbell
(Tasmania, Australia)

There are going to be a myriad of reasons as to why you 'feel' tired, but to know there is a reason and to keep asking questions until you find the right answer for you, is absolutely imperative.

Don't just accept sentences like 'a side-effect of ...'a 'named' disease or medical diagnosis, keep searching for answers and keep asking yourself what you can do to make changes in your life.

If you think with the same mindset, you will get the same results. If you 'behave' in the same way, again, the results will be the same.

If what you have been doing in the past for yourself isn't working, please ask yourself what am I thinking and doing?

The 50 to 100 trillion human cells that make you up, also have ten times that in bacteria, within you and on you. It's a system that works extremely well together, until the environment of that cell is affected by something else.

The two MAIN environments are:
What you think
What you eat and drink

Epigenetics (google that!) Epi = above, and genetics = the behavior of genes

This means, and is now an accepted SCIENTIFIC FACT, that what surrounds the genes, affects the genes. The genes are located in the DNA and this is located in the nucleus of the cell.

As thought is entertained by your mind, the brain gives off chemicals. Which chemicals are determined by which thoughts?

Good thoughts = good chemicals
'Bad' or negative thoughts = bad chemicals

If your mind is pre-programmed to respond to your world in a stressful manner, then your brain will be constantly sending out chemicals that cause destruction of a cell, if held for long periods of time and at high levels. One of these is called cortisol and is the fight or flight hormone.

Simple fact. Cortisol is stated to cause inflammation to a cell. Inflammation leads to ulceration. Where are the largest amount of nerve cells located? The gut.

Cells can only move in one of two directions. Growth or protection. Any stress and your cells will be in protection mode. This means they don't continue their normal function of growth. Also, when in stress, your immune system slows down and can shut off. But then the drugs do that for you anyway!

If you are constantly in stress mode as a child or teenager, or with a complicated relationship, or job that is stressing you out, cortisol levels don't have a chance to normalize. Ask yourself - what was happening in my life BEFORE I got sentenced with the name 'Crohn's disease', or colitis, or UC, or CFS, or IBD, or IBS ... the list is endless and still growing!

These are just names. Hold on to them and they will stay with you as an identity. Some cannot bear to let go of this identity. Don't be the 'some'!

Your other main environment of a cell, there are others, is what you eat and drink. If you consume sugar, you are affecting your cells negatively. This is sugar drinks as well as alcohol. If you eat heavy meats, fast food, packet food and no 'live' food such as leafy greens and fruit etc., then you are not delivering the 'real' necessary vitamins needed to help your cells keep healthy.

If you are taking mesasal, this, along with other medications, is going to dry you out. The sulphur which is in mesasal (a highly toxic substance to the human body) will dehydrate you and also cause damage to the kidneys. Drink plenty of water, as much as you possibly can to counteract this whilst taking this medication.

If you are taking prednisolone or other forms of steroids or anti-inflamatories, the same thing will occur.

When the body 'feels' dehydrated, it slows down your system and drops your blood pressure to save energy. This in turn will slow down your brain speed and can cause depression, especially if you are still in pain at the time and feel like you have no choice.

You do have choice.
Decide to have choice.
CHOOSE to get up, to get out there and find some more holistic or alternative solutions!

The first port of call I would suggest, if you can't see a way of 'doing' this yourself, go and find a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, who will help you change the pattern of your thinking.
(can't go into all that the brain does for you here!!!) A Cognitive Behavioral Therapist would also help.

Just remember, as simple as this all sounds, changing the way you think, obviously it's not easy - but it is entirely possible that you can change your life completely around. You deserve to!

Don't listen to those who still believe themselves to be a victim of a name. Listen to those who were in that place and thankfully are not anymore!

I am not a medical anything, but I had Crohn's for 40 years of my life and now no more. Check out my youtube channel (theirritablebrain) and if I can answer any of your questions, I absolutely will.

All the best to all of you


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I'm 17 and tired of all these problems please help!!!!

by George greenwalt
(Camp hill pa)

I'm living with this dieseas and tired of all the pain. I've also developed absseses. I need advice :(.

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17 and tired of all these problems NEW
by: Annette Young

Hello there,

Thanks for your post. I am sorry to read that you are having such problems with Crohn's. I assume you have received full diagnosis and are on medication?

The very nature of this disease makes people feel depressed and tired. You are not alone even if it might feel this way. I think it is harder when you are in your teens as you can see others of the same age out enjoying themselves and you feel tired and in pain.

The important thing is to get the disease under control. This means watching every single thing that you eat or drink and trying to ascertain the cause. Sometimes it is a combination of things. Many crohn's sufferers are lactose intolerant. Cut out dairy products first. Keep a food journal.Cut out spicy foods, and anything that is difficult to digest.

If you can get the disease under control you will feel less down and tired. It is because it is controlling you that you are feeling helpless. Don't get despondent. Anyone who has crohn's will understand exactly how you feel.

Sleep when you need to, eat smaller portions of foods, ensure the foods are bland or digestible. Dont' smoke, drink alcohol or lead a stressful life as all can play a part in making it worse.

I hope this helps?


i know how you feel NEW
by: Kat

I'm also 17 :)
I was diagnosed when I was just about to turn 11 and I wasnt able to eat for my birthday. This pattern continued for about 3 years until I just got worse and worse and then I was in hospital every couple of months for weeks or months at a time. I pretty much just listened to doctors advice and stuff, got really depressed when I was about 15 and faked taking my medication because i felt sick with it anyway. That plan totally backfired. Then about a year later I finally decided to have my illeocecal resection, which is accompanied by asathioprine and a half diet of enteral nutrition. I have to continue with this for the rest of my life *yay*
So I dont really know what to tell you, except that you will feel great one day, even if it is only for a day, and then you'll just remember that day and how great you felt and wish for the next one, which will also eventually come.
it can be total crap to live with but it does get better :)

You can help yourself
by: Crohns Mom

Please see http://www.crohnsboy.com/ . You can keep your crohns flairs down naturally, but you have to run specific health protocols which include SCD, or an elemental diet, natural antibiotics, fish oil, and Vitamin D3. Please check it out. Cronsboy is an inspiration, his ideas on health have really help a tremendous amount of people.

Crohns (Margit)
by: Anonymous

think positive !!!!!
Is it hard YES
Is it possible YES

Had it for a long time, you will get down but trust me thinking positive will help.
Talk to your doctor and see if anything he can do or change on your medications.
And please ask him about steroids (prednisone) when I get a severe attack and really have a lot of problems I have to take them, and thank GOD they are available. They do make it easier to deal with the disease.

by: Bobbie

hi, my name is Bobbie and I am 64 years old. I was just diagnoised with crohn's. I have been fighting this battle with bowel obstruction since 1992. I have been in the hospital 13 times for it in the past 4 years. Finally, a new gasterenterologist was given to me on my last hospital stay. He did a blood test and it came back positive. They did not think I had it because of my age. Any way I know how you feel, all the other doctors told me to just live with it. No one took the time to think about crohn's. My pain each time I went to the hospital was worst than having 10 babies. They just pumped my stomach with a engy tube and give me pain meds. At least now I know my problem and I can face it. It is scary not to know. I have had many test and surgeries. I know that the Lord is with me and will get me through this. I thank Him that now I know what I am suffering with. Please have faith in Him and He will bring you throug it all.

fed up and tired
by: Lizzie

hi i know this nasty illness gets you down and you do tired of fighting it, i am 30 years old and have had CD for the last 12 years, i have had 2 operations to remove diseased bowel and i am currently waiting to see if i am to have my whole colon removed and end up with a colostomy, i know this sound sad but i hope they hurry up and give me the damn thing, they keep trying all these drugs and do not seem to get much relif, it is a nasty illness but you have got to keep positive yes you do need to try and get plenty of rest but dnt let it win and get you so down, keep going and if you want to chat email me on matthewatkinson103@btinternet.com xxxx

by: Vanessa

Hello, I understand... sometimes, it can be very hard to live with this disease. Do you have any pasttimes, hobbies? I am 30 years old, I have the CD since I was 17 the most important thing is to accept it.
If you want to talk to someone, you can email me. vanmtl1980@yahoo.ca.
Good luck :)

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Low energy daily need advice losing blood and weight

by Cc

I was diagnosed with Chrohns at 14 years old now I'm 25 it's been in remission since I was given Remicade but lately the last few years I've lost a lot of energy and want to sleep. I have been diagnosed as anemic and I only weigh 110 lbs I'm underweight for my height 5'4 I have a 4 year old boy but I can't even enjoy him cause I'm so tired all the time. I eat a fairly good healthy diet I don't do sodas or caffeine and I'm also lactose intolerant. Lately I've been losing a fair amount of blood everytime I go to the restroom and the pain is like sharp needles in my stomach. Please advise I have b12 vitamins in my cabinet but i think it's something else I need.

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Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Essay writing is the most and foremost needed tool for the creation of the new and novel concepts. The presentation of the concepts is also resume writing services ensured and implemented. The individuals are honorable if they have the capacity of the writing of the essay and assignment.

Low energy daily need advice losing blood and weight NEW
by: Lydia D.

Oh, I forgot. The FDA issued a warning with respect to pregnant women and oily fish because of the mercury content. However, others have qualified this warning - read these articles and make your own mind up:








Low energy daily need advice losing blood and weight NEW
by: Lydia D.


I hope that they sort it out. I don't want to burst your bubble, but, unfortunately, there are some patients who experience worsening of symptoms during pregnancy. Let's hope that it is just the early stages that are problematic and that everything else will go smoothly.

I am sure that your doctors will do their best for you. Keep on taking those supplements.

I posted this NEW
by: Cecilia

Thank you for your advice I have a meeting with a gastro doctor to schedule a colonoscopy and I just found out I'm pregnant I read that having Crohns when pregnant can make your symptoms better so I'm hoping that happens because now I'm taking in more nutrients and vitamins. I am going to be getting a colonoscopy soon and hope that they find out what's causing the bleeding and maybe I could get a dose of remicade not sure if that's safe when pregnant I'm taking iron pills so my blood stays up my latest count was 11.8 still Low but normal.

Low energy daily need advice losing blood and weight NEW
by: Lydia D.

I can only advise you to go to your doctor and discuss the following:

If your iron tablets are not working then you need to have regular iron infusions.

It is not normal to bleed while in remission. Either your disease is still active or you have developed something else - intestinal tumour, haemorrhoids, diverticulitis, intestinal perforation, etc. If the blood is fresh and red, then it more or less rules out a duodenal ulcer. You should definitely not be in this condition and need medical support. I should think blood tests, gastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy for starters.

I suspect that your Crohn's is indeed active and you need a course of Prednisolone. Remicade, like any medication, can stop working in an individual patient. The sharp pains could be due to Crohn's ulceration, but I urge you to get the doctors to rule out perforation, which can lead to sepsis and death.

In the meantime I suggest that you take a vitamin B-complex for pregnant ladies, fish oil capsules, and vitamin C and see if they help you with your energy levels. Caveat: it can take months for any positive effect to be noticed. Ensure that you are taking your iron tablets as prescribed.

If your Crohn's is in the terminal ileum, then you will not be able to absorb sufficient vitamin B12 and may be short of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). In this case you will need to take sublingual vitamin B12 or receive injections every few months. If you are short of the fat-soluble vitamins, you will need approximately monthly injections of these.

I refer you to the first diagram here: http://www.cmaj.ca/content/166/10/1297.full

If you are in the USA then Walmart vitamins are fine - you don't need to pay mega-bucks for them.

To raise your energy levels, I suggest that you buy Boost, Ensure, etc. These are sip drinks and should be sipped slowly throughout the day alternating with a few sips of water.

Make sure you get lots of rest and when your son lies down, then lie down at the same time and make the most of the quiet.

Research Crohn's and diet, the anti-inflammatory diet, etc.

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