Crohns and manuka honey


Sheila Ber Photo

Sheila Ber Photo

Manuka Honey has healing properties. One of its properties is H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) which has the capacity to destroy microbes. It is high in bactericidal Activity. It has to be taken only on EMPTY STOMACH, as you don't want your microbes to feed on it, causing pain and bloating, and also as a result of the release of their toxins, while they are dying off.
Always, take it 1/2 hr. before meals. If you still experience side effects such as above,
stop for 2 day, and start again. Honey, is the only sugar (Monosaccharides) that Crohn's bowels are able to digest, without the the damage that other sugars (including Maple sugar) can cause. All HONEY types are high in bactericidal activity, which kills microbes including yeast.
If you still find, after 2 weeks of intake, that you are allergic to honey, stop, and use Stevia, as an alternative.
I used Stevia in teas, coffees, foods, for about 2 years and it was fine. However
later on, I developed an allergic reaction (rush). I stopped immediately, and started taking HONEY, and MANUKA HONEY only upon onset of an attack. I'm a firm believer in honey. It is one of the greatest healers.

Comments for Crohns and manuka honey

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Manuka Honey. NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks very much for the information.

Have a nice day.

Manuka Honey. NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks very much for the information.

Have a nice day.

Crohns and manuka honey NEW
by: Anonymous

All honeys have some H202 in them. Manuka honeys have additional non-peroxide anti-bacterial compounds in them, but the actual amount and hence the effectiveness varies considerably.

If you are fructose intolerant, you should avoid honey. One third of the population is fructose intolerant.

If you have raging diarrhoea, you should avoid all pure sugar sources because they will dehydrate and demineralise you further.

The honey used on open wounds is medical-grade honey and treated to be bacteria free. It is not advisable to use your honey at home to treat open wounds. Infants should not be given honey because of the risk of botulism from spores in the honey:

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