15 yrs. with Crohn's.....time for a change!

by Cilla

I've had 9 surgeries in the past 2 years. The pain that comes with Crohn's; I knew I wished I was dead at the time. At least that would have felt better than an ileostomy and continuous rectal abcesses. I never knew what suffering was, and I never thought I'd feel a "10" on a scale 1 through 10. What causes it? What cures it? No one knows. No one in my family has it. All I know, one day I had a tapeworm, and the next I had Crohn's.
This disease has taken half my life away. Precious moments I could have had with my family were spent in hospitals. Money that was supposed to be for my families' needs, it all went for my condition. I dropped out of high school, and I finally received a B.A in Liberal Arts. What happens? Now, I'm on full disability. I was actually doing television and modeling work out in California. The one thing I wanted to do with the rest of my life, is all gone. It's a faint memory of what I once wanted; who I once was.
Why am I writing all of this? I don't want your pity. I'm not here for self-loathing. I want those who actually take the time to read this to do something. Write your local representative. Go to: info@cctakesteps.org Do something! Make a difference! I think about poor innocent children that have to face this, and it makes me sick just thinking about it! I think about everyone who has to face this everyday, and I'm disgusted. So many people, so many families that might NOT have to endure this one day. One day, if we find a cure.

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